1:32 AM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I hate Jonathan Lee Zong Yao=.= Of all songs he can play, he has to play转机. Got me totally depressed and now I'm all emo and stuff. I feel like strangling him now=.=
Hon will be home tomorrow 10pm if I never remember wrongly. I'm feeling quite excited. I think I'll stay up and wait for the message signalling his arrival back in Singapore. I hope he'll still remember to send me the message even after what I've done=((( Feeling guilty all over again. I hope he has forgiven me. My reasons are valid after all. He of all people should understand. Haish=(((
Sleeping earlier than usual because Ling tomorrow have an outing and Jon is tired. So the conference was quite short. I realised I kind of live for that conference. It's like the one thing that I look forward to everyday or something because no matter how unhappy I am (except for today), I'll always be able to get cheered up by their happy chattering, unless they dao-ed me of course. Actually, I realised I'm invisible quite often. Maybe if one day I disappeared, alot of people wouldn't even realise it. LOLs! I'm just a totally emo bitch today.
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11:59 PM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Yesterday I drank Absolute Vodka, today I drank Red Wine=.= I'm becoming an alcoholic already=.= Soon my liver will fail and I'll die. Relief
Yesterday had Class Christmas BBQ. The class is so weird=.= They want the outing and guess wad? Only Gaya, Moon, Boon, Deeps, JJ, Boss, Xian, Evan, KahHui, Fiq, Far, Linda, Ifah and Me there=.= WTH=.= But we still had fun anyway=D There was all the cooking and drinking and the playing of games LOLs! It was really fun=D Then Moon got drunk and he vomitted as we were packing to leave at around 12am(?). Asked for a conference from Ling and Jon on the way home as I was alone. Then as I was having quite a headache thanks to two cup and a few mouthfuls of a mixture of Vodka and another drink. LOLs!
This afternoon went out with J Darling. We went to the Bugis Junction to buy Christmas presents for his parents and maid. He bought a shirt for his Dad and necklaces for his Mum and maid. He wanted to buy one necklace for me too but I rejected. I don't exploit my friend=X But he still treated me to lunch at Fish and Co so I guess it isn't too much of a difference? LOLs! Then we went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 together. The queue was like super long and so he was like really restless and stuff LOLs! But as we were nearing the end of the queue, one woman came over and ask us if we want the tickets from her because she bought extra by accident or something. So we bought it of her hands and went for the movie. The movie is VERY NICE=D However, I'm too short so part of my view was like obscured by the person in front resulting in me needing to lean towards one side=.= I tried leaning towards the side where Jon ISN'T at but the view was worse so I had to lean towards Jon's side. This caused Jon to be leaning towards one side too=.= Sorry=((( I should grow taller=((( It's like I'm so short=.= Haish=((( Then after the movie went to walk around for awhile more before going back home. Was quite tired so took a nap. Then went for a "Christmas Party" with Mum and 2 of my Mum's friends. It was quite l-o-l. Ah Huey Auntie brought a bottle of Red Wine. We all tried to open it and it took us like 10minutes(?) LOLs!! And all the expression was funny LOLs! I even took a video LOLs!!! But we finally opened it and get to drink. So we toasted to the coming New Year and to the Third Floor Auntie's new grand-son/daughter. LOLs!
Then Jon text me asking whether want to chat and so I went home and called Ling. However, that stupid guy still havn't called LOLs! Weird! He's the one that wants it but isn't the one here=.= Maybe he fell asleep while waiting because he was quite tired today. Hope he had a great sleep. After all, he managed to cheer me up alittle today. I did something really bad to Hon yesterday so hasn't been feeling too good. But still, a person has to do what he/she has to do. I'll be really selfish if I ask Hon to wait so I had to tell him so that at least if he wants to leave, he knows he can. I hope he doesn't though=X I'm such a bitch lols!
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9:58 PM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
10:34 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
I SAW MY DREAM DONKEY AND CHIPMUNK TODAY!!!!!!!!!! And I bought a baby piglet xD Hehehe<3
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2:30 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Mum just never stops asking me to eat=(( I'm so fat already! Anyway, no appetite to eat. Feeling sick the whole day. Wanted to stay in bed but I just remembered about the OC lab report=X I think it's due today=.= Haish=(( Bad to have to do work even when I'm sick=.= GAMBATEH!
Anyway, just went to Cia's blog. Hope what I tagged on her blog will appease Jon and Cia. Nevermind, I think and hope that this will be the last.
Argh=(( Feeling so sick=.= Can I kill myself?
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2:12 PM
Just woke up from a nap. Having a huge headache now=(( Feel like puking too=((( Argh=(((( Had a couple of weird dreams too=.= SuxT_T
Being not understanding, destructive, tactless and...aiya! In overall, being a bad person is my forte=(( Haish~I hope everything will blow over soon. Anyway, I'm trying to learn how to private my blog. When I know how, I'll private it.
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12:37 AM
My legs are like aching like crazy!! And I'm sooooooo tired LOLs!
Pardon me 4 tis nt understandable post. Nt in e mood 2 type properly liaos=(( Aft tio ppl say=.=
Met Jose n HuiMei at Orchard MRT at 12.30pm tdy 2 go shoppin. Went Taka n ION 2 look 4 Fred Perry stuff cos Jose wanna find e Fred Perry cardigan or bag. Den culdn't find it so we went 2 meet Vic n Miaks 4 lunch. Thx Vicky 4 e xmas prezzie=D E box of cookies is rly nice n my Mum praise ur baking skills=D Grats!! U can b a chef xD
Ate KFC n tio e Mac guy come n disturb=.=W/e lurhs...buy an apple pie 4 Yeye 2 eat den settled everything...YEYE!!! U OWE ME 1DOLLAR + INTEREST xP
Den went 2 Cineleisure...on e way, Yeye, HuiMei n I was lyk chnging e lyrics 4 Bad Romance. Oso saw 3 pretty plushies: Baby Stitch, Baby Angel n Baby Eeyore. Haish=(( Wish I culd buy dem=(( Den Yeye was lyk telling me dat when he grow up n hav his own hse, he wanna decor it wif plushies LOLs! Sounds so weird...hope his wife or he dunmind cleaning cos plushies r hard 2 clean=(( Esp those white 1s=.= I noe cos I regularly hav 2 send my bearbears 2 e washing machine=.= I tink nxt tym when I gt $$, I send 2 dry wash=.= I sure lazy wash myself de=((
Den went 2 313, e "new" shopping centre at Orchard. It was ok la=.= By dat tym was alrdy leg pain lyk siao LOLs! Budden Idw 2 go home alone so I went wif dem. Den stupid Yeye=.= Dk how 2 frm start tell dem dat he dw 2 go Chinatwn wif dem=.= Den go all e way 2 dk where liao den say wanna go home=.= Den him n I nid 2 walk all e way back 2 313 2 take Somerset MRT. Den we sumore gt lost=.= Den my leg was lyk aching lyk siao=.= Budden managed 2 gt 2 e MRT in 1piece so its ok=))
Den went home...on e way Joey was lyk asking me e pw 2 HIS acc=.= WTH? It's HIS leh=.= NOT mine leh=.= ZzZ=.=
Den reached home str8 bang on bed n slp...den wake up jiu go c doc 2 c my leg=.= He say its ALOT less swollen so its more or less ok le...nxt wk nid 2 go agnT_T When he's lyk rubbing it, it was dam frigging painful=.= Haish=(((
Reached home le n is currently toking 2 Ling n Jon. I feel lyk hanging up=(( Cos just nw Jon "scold" me=.= Ytd at Jon's hse, I went 2 xtra n tag Jon's blog mah...den apparently, sum1 nt happy n gt herself drunk so Jon nt happy lor=.= Nvm...he wun encounter tis prob anymore...I del his link n everything in my comp dat has his blog link...even empty my bin so cant go his blog anymore...so WUN EVA tag his blog anymore=D Im sure his happy abt tis=)) Cos he dunid 2 eva worry abt tis prob le=D
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9:57 PM
Friday, December 18, 2009
LOLs!!! In the end, I didn't train today LOLs!! It was another at J Darling's house, this time with Ling and Anni. LOLs! Ling and me were like exploring his house. We played with his dog, his piano and his dart-board LOLs! We also played with his computer and close ourselves in his room. Ling was really sleepy so she was lying on his bed LOLs! Then I played with his tie and his weights. His tie is peach in colour and soft LOLs! It looks nice. We spent like the whole day playing Guitar Hero LOLs! Was quite bored towards the end. Then was transferring songs from J Darling's laptop on J Darling's Sofa bed. It's like so comfortable!!!! LOLs!! I nearly fell asleep while transferring songs hahahahaha! He has alot of songs so it took quite some time xD I had a great time leaving the microphone to them and transfer songs hehe=P Then Ling also drew some pictures=D I'm like so in love with them that I took them home LOLs! I wanted to frame them up! Then at 7pm+(?), we went to eat dinner together. The guys wanted to eat New York but don't know why, it wasn't there at where it was supposed to be LOLs!! So we ate Mad Jack instead. Actually, I was still feeling quite full due to the very filling lunch cooked by Jon's maid. However, I still ate and as usual, I was the last to finish my food=.= The guys just eats too fast!!=.= Then Ling didn't want to eat=(((*Sigh*
After that, took cab home and is currently home=D
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I stayed with him because I'm afraid you'll leave me=(( Not that you seem like one that'll do that but it's just that I think too much as usual=((
10:29 PM
Thursday, December 17, 2009
YAY!!! COMMON TEST IS FINALLY OVER!!! Although it was only 3papers but it felt like it took ages to be finished=.= Today's BioChem Paper was okay. I don't think I can score very well but I guess I'll be able to pass it at least=D Then I was kind of stupid today LOLs! Usually, I was able to finish the paper and leave the exam hall. However, I don't know why, today after I finish the paper, I couldn't leave the exam hall as the invigilators didn't allow. So I settled down to check my paper as I figured out that something was wrong. Not allowing me to leave the exam hall was like a signal from God or something. However, I found nothing wrong till the end of the paper. Charmaine and HungKhiang took a peek at my paper and HK was like telling maine:"CIRCLE the options!!! Not write!!!" Then I know my mistake=.= I wrote the answer to the MCQ instead of circling=.=
Then saw the results to my most recent QC Class Test. I got a D while Joce got a C and Farid got an A. Farid was like:"There must be a mistake. How can I get an A and Q got a D." I don't know I take it wrongly or what=X It felt like he was bragging LOLs! But as usual, I said nothing.
Then Anni called. He said he'll come pick me up from NYP LOLs! So I waited for him in school. Then when he reached, I couldn't find him LOLs! I got lost in the campus finding him LOLs! Then we finally managed to agree on one place to meet and it was the Campus Centre LOLs! So ended up, we were late to meet Jon Darling. LOLs! So we reached Vivo at around 12pm when the meeting time was like 11.20 LOLs! Then we ate Swensens and went to Sentosa. The 2guys were like watching Bikini babes on the Siloso Beach. I wondered what I was doing there=.=
Then it started raining so we went to Jon Darling's house to play his Wii LOLs! Initially, I was playing with his dog. Then, I went to stone and watch them play Wii. Then they made me play with them LOLs! I guess I was a spoiler anyway. Then today also drank grass jelly for the FIRST time LOLs!! Jon's household served grass jelly so I drank as I felt that it'll be rude to reject. It taste weird to me LOLs!
At 5pm, Anni said he was leaving so I left with him. He sent me to Serangoon Interchange to buy cash and then to home=D He drives a Blue Toyota Picnic LOLs! The car is really nice but I don't think it suits him LOLs!
Now chatting with Ling and Jon. I don't know I should wish for tomorrow to be laggy so that I can do homework or wish that it will not be laggy so that I can train my Mage LOLs! Feel so tired today=X
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11:46 AM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Feeling so saggy today. Wonder whether what I'm studying will absorb or not. Maybe I should have agreed to going to school to study with Farid. I don't know who will be going that's why I wasn't too willing to go=X
Dropped my phone for the second time this morning. The first time was last night when I accidentally knocked it off the table=((( This time, it was the same thing again. I should listen to my Mum and be conscious of where I put my phone. Instead of just putting it on the table at a out of habit position, I should put it somewhere safer=X However, I feel the safest place is still my pocket LOLs!
Conferenced again last night. It was quite dull as everybody seem to be doing their own thing. So I went to watch Ice Age 3 again on the net. Then they were like complaining that I went to watch shows that's why so quiet. I guess too much conferencing makes things duller. Like Jon and I. We used to meet everyday after school. Now...it's as if it'll kill us to meet. Actually, I think is more of him LOLs=.= If he see this, he's going to say:"Whatever you think lor." then go and emo. I think Hon would be happy about this though LOLs! It's like he's not very happy when I get too close to other guys=X I guess Human Nature says no guys can get near my girl and no girls can get near my guy. LOLs!
Feeling so tired. Currently I'm considering whether to private my blog. If I private my blog, I think I'll have more freedom of speech on my blog. That would also mean I would have to remove my tagboard as it'll be useless there considering noone can enter my blog. Or maybe, I create a more blog which I can lock up and noone can see it. However, that reminds me of those days when God has to carry me down the path of life. And that's sad as it probably signals that I'm going back to that way of life. I don't want to=(( It's not healthy=(( But come to think of it, noone read my blog so what exactly is the point of me worrying about this LOLs! Aiya...I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm sort of crazy now. Think I should go back to my BCS and drown in it.
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10:47 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Feeling alot better after I curled up on the sofa and watched some TV shows. Although I can't say the same for my body but I can feel it's better already. I guess I was just tired of the computer just now and in need of some time away from it.
Anni called me just now asking me about my class and stuff. Apparently, he has a NYP friend that is the same course in Year3 LOLs! Anni was like:"He GPA 3.5 leh! You need help in your organic chem anot? He say he can help you leh." LOLs! My reply was like:"Are you finding me a tutor or boyfriend? LOLs!" Then he was like:"Don't worry. He's not horny." LOLs! Manns...I don't think I need a boyfriend right now hahaha! I need to concentrate more on my studies and friends LOLs! Today was like the don't-know-how-many-time time I angered Jon=.=*Sighs*I guess Da Xiao Jie and Da Shao Ye can't click.
Chat with Hon last night. Hon was trying to convince me that I'm prepared for the OC Paper today. However, he was wrong. I wasn't prepared=((( Then was complaining about yesterday's EM Paper. LOLs! Then joked around using Jon's name and he kind of misunderstood me. I guess different people take different things in different ways. Like last time, he's always complaining I'm oversensitive and stuff. Then, yesterday was like my turn to return that "compliment" LOLs! But of course, I didn't say he was. Anyway, a few days more and he'll be back in Singapore. Then he can turn back to his usual seemly possessive self for all I care. But whatever, lately I care more about myself than others so I'm not going to care about it till it gets out of hand which will be impossible as he's so in control of himself.
Anyway, hope I'll get well soon and I'll be needing to study for BCS tomorrow. Hope I'll have the energy=D GAMBATEH TO THE LAST PAPER!!=D
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7:02 PM
Whole body burning and aching like crazyT_T Feel like dying=((( Just now tried napping but Mum wouldn't allow me. So I guess I'm stuck emo-ing till my bedtime.
Haish=((( I hate today.
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9:38 AM
Just finished my OC Paper. Finished with 49minutes to spare. Was confused by the question and has officially lost 10marks=.= That leaves 65marks to score. I think I also lost 3marks due to the stupid IUPAC naming thing. I wished I didn't choose to write the answer I wroteT_T *Sigh* It's too late for regrets so I guess I should forget about stuff and concentrate on the upcoming BCS Paper on Thursday. I can't believed I screwed such an easy paper. The question 18 was so MISLEADING T_T Only ONE step is required!!! Just add NaCH3!!! WTH mann!!! Stupid Mr Roberts for putting in the question "You can use as many steps as you like". WTH T_T I'm so deadT_T I don't think I can get my B alreadyT_T
Feeling really emo now=.=
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11:37 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
YAY! CL1307-Engineering Mathematics 1C/1A is OVER!! Woooohooo!!! I think I can pass=D But I'm not too sure about an A let alone a distinction=(( Hope I can get at least a B=D
Tomorrow having OC Paper=(( Hope I can do well in it=D GAMBATEH KUDASAI!!!=D
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5:36 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ahhhhhhhhh!!! I don't know how to connect HP Strap to N97!!! LOLs!!! I'm so deadT_T Then what should I do with my purple heart and stylus pen?!?!?! OMGGM=.= I think I'll ask J Darling tomorrow LOLs! I'm such a dumb girl LOLs!! Hope he doesn't die from teaching me LOLs!!!
Just woke up from a long afternoon nap. Still feeling alittle bit saggy but it's okay=D I can always entertain myself by playing my new phone LOLs!! I even managed to figure out one thing without J Darling's help xD Was figuring out where did the images I transferred go. Was like trying everything in that folder and found it xD Before J Darling's message of instructions came xD It included a complain LOLs! It wasn't about me but how dare him?! LOLs!
I had studied much of my EM yesterday and last year so I wasn't too worry about today. I hope I'll be able to remember everything tomorrow. How to do and the mistakes I made during the Class Tests. Feeling slightly nervous about tomorrow=X Good Luck to all students that are taking exams=D Especially my friends and classmates=DD Let us run through this, towards our term break[And homework(C1)] LOLs!!! GAMBATEH!!!
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11:14 AM
Starting to use my new phone=X Trying with the "stylus". I hope I got the right one. Mine look different from Jon's one though=X And there's also the problem of me being unable to pull it out of its casing. LOLs!=X
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11:24 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Just now went to the temple with Mum. As there was noone helping my Godfather so I helped to do the ink thingy. Has so much fun doing it LOLs! But I think I do too much because the ink was like really dark and dry. I think it was too thick LOLs! I should have wait for the uncle to teach me LOLs! Nevermind...next time xD
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8:12 PM
YAY!!! I FINALLY GOT MY NEW PHONE!!!! Actually wanted a black N97. However, there wasn't any stock so I bought the white one xD Anyway, Jon stole my look so I'm great with white xD YAY!!! So happy=D Currently charging the phone hehe=D After I buy a screen protector for it, I'll be able to use it already!!! YAY!!! I'm so happy LOLs!!! And I also bought a Christmas Hat Hairclip=D Yay! A new hairclip hehe=D Intending on wearing it to school on Monday for good luck LOLs! I hope I can LOLs! It'll match my spectacles=D
I also managed to study EM xD So quite a satisfying day=D
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4:51 PM
I know I just changed my blogskin to something happy but...just now when Mum dropped the whole pan of food, I can't help but emo. It's like as if she's not herself. And it's especially deep after yesterday when we saw Auntie Esther left her house with Sarah, Dylan, Jessica and the maid. It's like I could feel Sarah's, Dylan's and Jessica's pain. It's like my pain times three. Made me feel like crying all over again because the pain is deeper.
Come to think about it, it has been 2-3years since the matter have settle down. I guess this is a good example that some problems just never get solved and some scars just never heal regardless of the time that had passed. After just now, I realised that actually, I was affected last night. I may seem myself but in actual fact, I wasn't. It's just my heart's natural acting. So actually, my body has been crying since yesterday night. I guess that's why I acted up on Jon last night. Sorry Jon=((
Seriously, I really need to thank God for carrying me through so far. And also my friends, Miss Choi and work for helping me to pass the time. I hope I can continue being brave and I hope the same will go for Dylan, Sarah and Jessica.
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2:38 PM
YAY!! FINALLY CHANGED MY SKIN AND UPDATED MY LINKS SECTION!! The highness from yesterday didn't go away so I had all the energy to edit my blog xD Although I know I should be using all that energy to study for the Common Test coming up but I just didn't feel like it because today was suppose to go out and stalk Anni, Crystalsan and Jon. However, didn't get the chance because instead of meeting at a place, Anni drove and picked up Jon and Crystal so I couldn't join=(( Grrrrr!!! Nevermind=D I shall use the rest of my day and energy to study for the upcoming Common Test=D GAMBATEH KUDASAI!!!=D
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P.S. I dedicate this blogskin to Jon~SMILE!!!! CHEER UP=D
10:23 PM
Friday, December 11, 2009
Today is an unnatural day. It is unnaturally windy so my hair is unnaturally messy. I'm also unnaturally high LOLs! I don't know why! I was quite high the whole day whether in terms of the negative energy in the morning before the QC Test or the positive energy after the QC Test. It resulted in me being unnaturally hungry and thirsty too LOLs! After class end, met JiaMin and JieWei on the way home. JiaMin was like:"Eat, eat, eat..." Then I replied:"Aiya! I don't know why la...just feel so like eating lotsa stuff today." Then she LOL-ed lols! Then was also drinking alot of water=.=
Was late for BCS Lecture because I couldn't wake up. Actually, is more of didn't want to wake up LOLs! Anyway, was late for BCS Lecture by five minutes so I guess I didn't miss much. So it's ok=D
Then was time for the QC Test. I finished it quite early. I was the second person in C1 to finish. I think third person in the whole LT. When I went to hand up my paper, Deeps gave me the incredulous look LOLs! I think he though that I was sure to do well or something. It'll be like a miracle if I passed it=(( First question was about the inspection thing. My answer for the second part is like only 1/4 rightT_T Then second question was some calculation stuff and I did the wrong step I thinkT_T Then third question is the only one which I feel is quite okay. Then I skipped the last question because I didn't know what in the world is assignable cause LOLs! When Clara came out, I was like asking her what is assignable cause. I also asked boss LOLs! Boss said he skipped that question too. I was like LOLs! Nevermind...8marks give Mr Lai to drink coffee. Then when the rest came out, KahHui and I was like arguing about the inspection thing. Then I was like:"The 5th Lot can't be Normal! The two consecutive lots rejected has already been fulfilled!" The arguement was quite loud then Farid said:"The teacher is still inside...why not go in and ask? Then don't need argue." So went in and asked. Mr Lai show us the answer sheet and it turns out NONE of us were 100% right LOLs! But KahHui was right about the 5th lot being Normal LOLs!
Then went to the print shop to print Joce's SP2 presentation script and then to the South Canteen to eat. On the way met Mr Lai, Mr E and Mdm Chua. They going for lunch and I was like complaining to Mr Lai how I'll fail this test. He was like:"It is very easy already! Nevermind...I'll try to help everyone pass. Those that fail I really cannot help already." LOLs! Just realised that all my lecturers and tutors, except for Kuanko, are actually very cool and cute LOLs! After that, went to P7 to practise SP2 Presentation. I think I looked really calm because Evan and Xian were like:"Why are you so calm?!" Their face were like red LOLs! I was actually quite nervous so I guess don't judge a book by its cover LOLs! Before class start, KahHui they all tell Mdm Chua to sing Birthday Song to JiaJun LOLs! And Mdm Chua was like I sing and JiaJun dance LOLs! Then Moon and KahHui were like:"ON! JiaJun go up!!!" and stuff LOLs!! Then JiaJun really went up LOLs! Then when Mdm Chua turn around and saw JiaJun standing in front of her, she was like:"I was just joking!" LOLs!!! Omggm!! I laughed till I cry LOLs! Then had the presentation. During the presentation, fumbled at the start and panicked LOLs! So was trying to laugh through the whole presentation. So teacher's comment for me was like really funny LOLs! She said:"QiuHui is very happy. I think her happiness is very infectious. It makes me feel happy too." LOLs! I guess I laugh when I do mistakes and I smiled alot so she felt the "happiness" radiating from me LOLs! Shoot of to the toilet to scream after that. Felt like I really screwed up LOLs! Met Boon and he was like telling Xian that Moon was laughing because he counted how many times she said "erm" and it was like 10-20 "erm" in like five minutes LOLs! Then asked Evan whether I got laugh alot during the presentation and she was like:"Ya lor! You alot of sound effects. Keep giggling and stuff." LOLs! On overall, the presentations ended on a good note=)) Then the class started discussing about the class BBQ. Then we asked Mdm Chua whether she wants to come along and she was like:"Will tell you guys at a later date because I got work you know." LOLs! I love our teachers xD
Then went of home. Was like really high and so waved goodbye to everybody before leaving the tutorial room LOLs! Then, was actually intending on going to the library or blue table to study before going home. But was tempted to go home when I saw Farid and Joce go homeT_T Then after that, I saw someone that look VERY MUCH like Jon Darling. But he should be in lessons then so I didn't think much. Then Joce was like:"That look like your friend Jonathan." Then I look closely then realised it IS Jon LOLs! Then Joce ask me to shout at him:"OI TMD! I walk behind you so long you also never see." LOLs! But I didn't do that. Instead, I called him and when he picked up the second time I call, I said:"Fuck you la! I walk behind you so long you also never see derh ah?!" Then we saw he turn around LOLs! Was feeling like a stalker as Farid, Joce and me were like observing his every move LOLs! Farid was like:"He's taking out his phone!!" Then when he turn around, one of us were like:"He turn around!" LOLs!! We are so weird LOLs! So in the end, we stalked him to the MRT station where we meet up with him LOLs! I thought will only see him at the MRT platform then he was waiting at the station entrance LOLs! He's so cute LOLs! But he's still in the state of moodless but it's okay=D I managed to make him smile alittle=D Hope my Hao Peng You JonJon Darling will cheer up soon=))
I think I laughed too much today LOLs! It was such a funny day LOLs! Having an ulcer at my cheeks and slight sore throat. Should have kept eating Strepsils=.= NEVERMIND=D Can buy next time. Boss keep asking me for Strepsils today LOLs! Sadly, I didn't buy LOLs! He poor thing. Have been having sore throat for some time like JonJon. LOLs! Hope they will get well soon!=D OYASUMINASAI!=D
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5:54 PM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
You think I'm ok but I'm not. I guess everybody makes mistakes. Like I thought you will but you didn't even though you said you will.
Had four straight hours of PED today. It really sux. Then Mr E also asked about the NYP Open House Duty thing. I'll be having duty on 7January2010 for NYP Open House together with 10 other people from C1=D So I wouldn't be having my super long weekend=(( Nevermind...four days weekend is quite good too=D After classes ended, was stuck in school all day doing SP2 and studying for QC Test. Managed to understand QC Topic 3 but I'm still not too good with Topic 4=(( I hope I'll be able to pass.
Hon hasn't been online for more than one week already. Even though there's only two more weeks before he comes back, I still misses him=((*Sigh*And Jon Darling hasn't been in a good mood the whole week=(( Have been like useless in cheering him up=(( Hope he'll cheer up soon. Maybe he'll after this week...
Feeling so tired. Tomorrow will probably be the last day. After that...I hope I'll be brave enough.
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10:40 PM
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Skipped 3/4 of my EM Lecture as usual due to my inability to wake up early on a Wednesday=P Actually, it's not really true for today. I woke up on time but I was lazy to go for the boring EM Lecture so I went back to sleep LOLs!
Went for BCS Tutorial after that. I was quite early, so was tidying up my hair using my laptop as a mirror. Then was complaining that my hair is half curly and half straight. I joked that I inherited both curly and straight hair from my parents. Then Miss Selina was like one is dominant and one is reccessive. Then we kind of had a scientific arguement LOLs! She won in the end because she's more knowledgeable. She said:"It may not be the problem with the gene but problem with the protein. Like for example, when you sleep on your hair, it'll curl around your head. That's why our hair is hardly ever 100% straight. It is due to external factors affecting the proteins of the hair." So yay! I learn new stuff today=))
Then it was break and then JL Oral. Was studying with JiaJun, Boss, Deeps and Fiq during the break. Then Gary came to join. So technically, I was surrounded by guys=.= So I joked that I need to change my gender. Then Deeps was like:"It's ok...JiaJun is alittle bit feminine..." LOLs! Then JiaJun looked like he wanted to kill Deeps LOLs! Dragged alittle of the waiting time for oral to study. Gave up towards the end and played cards with Boss, Gideon and Gary. However, Miss Chen sent Melissa to get me so I had to go for it in the end. I think I kind of disappointed Miss Chen=X Her face was all smiles when I walked in but wasn't too good when I walked out. Well...at least I had sort of a good start even the ending was full of "Sumimasen" due to the fact that I'm illiterate when it comes to Japanese Language=.= Nevermind...I guess I can only hope for the best and hope to score well in the coming new term.
Walked to Song Yuan after that. Took quite some time as I didn't know the way and my ankle hurts. JonJon Darling suggested that I take cab but I said I can't as I didn't know the exact address=(( Anyway, was feeling quite emo so I have to walk away the negative energy. I bought a cheesecake and strawberry cake for Mum=D However, my plan to surprise her failed as she already know what's up with me=.= I also accidentally smashed the Cheesecake=(( Luckily, I bought two slices of cake as I couldn't decide whether to buy the Cheesecake or Strawberry Cake. She likes both so I bought both. But of course, in the end, she only got to eat the Strawberry Cake=.= Without candles as I smashed them with the Cheesecake=.= I'm so clumsy=.=
Nap-ed for about two hours before waking up with a sick feeling=(( Took a bath, hoping that it'll feel better but was terribly wrong. So I skipped dinner and did the SP2 presentation as instructed by Xian. My work is slipshod though. I guess it's because I wasn't feeling well so didn't have the mood to do anything=.= It happens alot=.= Nevermind...tomorrow will be better=)) Hopefully...even though I need to study QC due to the stupid test on FridayT_T Actually, I planned to go Subway and New Moon with Jon Darling. But I guessed now that there's QC Test, I have to stay in school to study=X Anyway, I'm scared that I'll make him moodless as I had done today and as he has been the whole week. *Sigh* Hope the bad days will end soon=(( If not, I'm going to breakdown soon=.= Especially with the Common Test coming up=.= And especially when I breakdown so easily=.=
Anyway, I think I'll have an early night today. I can't believe I'm not even feeling hungry at all even though I hardly eat today=.=
Sign Off
8:23 PM
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Its Tuesday! 08-12-2009!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SANDRA ONG LI HONG=D Stay happy always=D
Can't believe time is passing so fastT_T This is the 8th week since school started for me and next week will be the much-feared COMMON TEST!!! OMGGM!!! Hope I can do well=(((
Was out nearly the whole of Sunday due to my cousin's wedding=D Went to the Buffet Brunch in the morning and the wedding dinner at night. Overall, I had quite a fun time catching up with my cousins and taking pictures after pictures. I also drank alot of red wine during the dinner. I drank so much but surprisingly, I wasn't drunk LOLs! This led my Grand-Uncles to tease me. They were saying that the alcohol has no effect on me and that I had inherit my Dad's tolerance for alcohol. I actually didn't really drink because I wanted to. I admit that at the start, it was because I wanted to as I don't really like coke and tea and the only other drink available is red wine. However, as I hadn't drank coke for ages, I started to enjoy drinking it towards the end. However, Mum got drunk before and my aunt and grandmother didn't want history to repeat itself. So, I had to help Mum to drink. But the problem is, Mum was semi-drunk already=.= So she keeps asking for more even though I drank finish the whole glass and put the glass aside. So it was a never-ending process. I drink finish-->She ask for more and drink-->I drink the rest-->She ask for more and drink-->etc etc. Also, when I gulped the red wine instead of sipping it. So it was quite surprising that I didn't get drunk even though I drank more than my Mum and she was 80%-drunk by the end of the dinner while I was still coherent.
Also had a conference call with Jon, Ling and Anni on Sunday night. A sudden change in the conversation broke us up and we went to do our own stuff. Didn't sleep really well so was quite tired on Monday=((
Went to school as usual even though I wasn't really feeling well and I was really tired=(( I guess the alcohol only took effect then LOLs! Then, for the first in ages, I went home straight after class. I was really bored so I took a really long nap lols! It led to insomnia at night=(( But it was okay because as there was a conference call again LOLs! But of course, it resulted in me being quite tired today LOLs! But today is quite an okay Tuesday=D Got to eat Mac Breakfast xD It was quite fun as I was sneezing like crazy because I used alot of pepper and we were also playing around with the tissues LOLs~

The very incomplete heart=((


These are the maximum I could do=(( The tissue is just too short=((

My heart combined with Farid's chilli red rose=D The present from us to the cleaning auntie/uncle xD

The one I made during the boring time at the blue table=D
Farid suggested making a wallpaper with the hearts LOLs! The theme he suggested is "You complete my heart<3". It's nice but considering the tight schedule we all have due the stupid class tests and common test, I doubt I can come up with one anytime soon=(( I guess it will have to wait till term break or something=(( Anyway, I'm not really good at doing such stuff in the first place so I doubt it'll be any thing nice=X Unless, it's on paper...
There's JL oral tomorrowT_T I'm so nervousT_T I hope I'll be able to score well in the first two sections as I'm sure to flunk the last section as I can't read really well=((*Sigh*I guess my target for JL can't be reached=(( But nevermind, I'll continue to work hard=D GAMBATEH KUDASAI=D
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P.S. Farid said this post look like a tutorial to make incomplete tissue hearts LOLs! And Nazirin just invented a new language call Japaginese(?). It was inspired by some unknown person's pronounciation LOLs! OK! We are evil LOLs!!
1:14 PM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Went to Felicia Jie's house this morning for buffet. Didn't eat much but had a great time catching up with my cousins and cousin in-laws=D Mum was joking I should stop calling Felicia Jie but starting calling Felicia Auntie LOLs! Then was like thinking, if Felicia is Auntie instead of Jie, then Alan will be Uncle instead of Jie LOLs! Anyway, Felicia Jie was like saying that I stole her BeeHoon LOLs!! Then I was like:"No beehoon eat curry la! Don't have the delicious beehoon cooked by your aunt then eat the delicious curry cooked by Ma-ma la LOLs!!" Then she was like keep saying that I stole her beehoon LOLs!! Who ask her to be the bride today xD I'm so bad LOLs!! Took a couple of photos. Alot of them is using the photographer's, Third Aunt's, Uncle's and JiaMin Jie's cameras. But I did managed to take a couple xD
JiaMin Jie and me=D I look damn shabby LOLs!!
My little niece=D She's so cute=D However she's very scared of everyone except for her parents which are my Alan Gorgor and Serene JieJie LOLs!!
The beautiful bride LOLs! She just can't stop jumping. Made me realise how sucky my phone camera is LOLs!
Tonight have Felicia Jie's wedding dinner to go to. My Mum and I have been arguing over what I should wear. I hope I can get what I want=D Nevermind...see how the two outfits turn out=D Hope I would look presentable in at least one=.= Also hope that I would be able to faster get the other photos from all the different cameras=D<3
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8:55 PM
Friday, December 04, 2009
If you can hold on to my hand forever, would you let go?o.o
Went to school as usual. My ankle was killing but I still walked around, even jogged alittle. Now my ankle isn't too bad. I guess the "physiotherapy" works LOLs!
Got my QC Class Test results today. Surprisingly, I got a B. Hope I can keep up with my performance hahaha! But honestly, I'm not too hopeful about next week's QC Class Test 2 hahaha! But I hope I can do well=D
I also saw my OC Class Test 1 today. I realised that the mistakes I made are quite stupid. I could gotten 13/15=(( But I got 12/15 insteadT_T It's useless to cry over spilt milk. I guess I can only hope I would not make the same stupid mistakes with my OC Common Test.
Also saw my upcoming Common Test timetable. I only have CT on Mon, Tues and Thurs=D I hope I will be able to do well in OC, BCS and EM. GAMBATEH KUDASAI!=D
Worrying about my upcoming QC Class Test, SP2 Mid-Sem Presentation and JL1 Oral. They will all be happening next weekT_T Super scared=((
Just now also met Jon for a brief moment. Gave him the Strepsils Pain Relief which Joce Babee gave me in the morning. Then he said he only eat Strepsils Honey Lemon LOLs! Same as me LOLs! But I like Strepsils Pain Relief because it's purple LOLs!! The Pain Relief will numb my whole tongue=.= Actually I kind of agree with Jon LOLs! Strepsils Honey Lemon is the best and honestly, it's like I only eat that=.= Should have bought that for him instead of giving him the one Joce Babee gave me=.=
I'm starting to panic LOLs! Felicia Jie is getting married on Sunday and my ankle don't look well enough to allow me too wear heels=(( Wondering I should force myself to wear or not o.o
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Missing...always missing
3:52 PM
Thursday, December 03, 2009
I think I sprained my ankleT_T Really painfulT_T
Had my PED Class Test 1 today. Think I screwed it up=((( I guess I can only hope for the best=)))
Went to AMK Library after classes ended. Actually, suppose to meet JonJon for lunch at Subway. But change of plans at the last minute so I skipped lunch and went straight to the library. The stupid library didn't have a single reference book about Extraction Columns. So I "reported to"
Xian and went home. Took the bus and when alighting, I fell=((( A new injury LOLs! I am SO accident-prone=.=
Anyway, GET WELL SOON JONJON=D Hope to see you in school tomorrow=D
Sign Off
Missing and waiting always
Hoping and wishing
7:00 PM
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Really tired=(( Feel like just sleeping but I can't=(( There's a PED class test tomorrow. I also have JL1 Oral and SP2 Mid-Sem Presentation next week. After that, there's still the common test=(( HaishT_T I wish I can take a break from all of these soon=(( Never mind! My Term Break is coming. With it comes the CPT0901 Class
mailto:BBQ@Gaya house and of course, the term break homework(sigh). But I guess it's still better than nothing=D Hope everything will be great=D Havn't been having good days for some time already=((
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P.S. Get Well Soon JonJon Darling=)) Hope you'll be feeling good enough to join me in school soon Cya V^.^V
10:33 AM
Missing my Hao Peng You JonJon Darling now=(( He just became a daoster=((
Missing my HonHon too=((( Wondering when will he online again=(((
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12:03 AM
Really irritated with the OC Lab Report 5=((
Took cab to school today as I was still having the after-effects of yesterday's knock on the edge of the door(Thanks Mohan=.=), and fainting and falling on and from a platform at the hawker centre behind PHS(Sorry JonJon=((( For scaring u and Thanks Ling for your concern=D). Was on the way towards the LT and had the sudden feeling that my pocket seems light. Checked my pockets and realised that my phone wasn't there. Immediately started to panic and ran back to the place where I alighted from the cab. Realised that the cab has drove quite a distance away and it was too late to run after it so I went to the LT to put my bag and went off walking around to look for a payphone. Met Deeps on the way and he lent me his phone as I couldn't find a single payphone=((( Called my phone but my phone was silent so I guess the taxi driver didn't see it. Then we waited at the place for a taxi to come. Not long later, a blue comfort taxi came, so I anyhow call(The taxi I was in was yellow). Then lucky me, after some time, the company called Deeps say the taxi driver found my phone LOLs!! Great=D Then I called Mum to ask her to help me pick it up from the taxi and she agreed=D THANK YOU MUMMY=D I LOVE YOU=D
Then went through lessons as usual. Thanks to Joce, I could contact Jon. Met him after school as usual and stuff. Hung out in the school with him and Naz till quite late. LOLs! Then currently, am talking to Ling and Anni. Jon currently asleep, I think. I need to sleep=((
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